Friday, December 14, 2018

Still making progress but a long way to go!!!

I have been taking some time off and working on the Black Hole in between going to the hospital to see dad. Dad is doing pretty good but is going to be a long road for him. He is walking with a walker now so that is a good thing. They are trying to build up his strength before they release him. He probably has at least another week to go before he comes home. We hope he is home in time for Christmas.

I have been continuing to get the chassis ready to paint. It has taken forever because there are so many joints and obstructed areas it is hard to get the paint off everywhere. It is pretty much finished now.

I decided to build a rotisserie to put the chassis on to make it easier to paint. It would be impossible to paint without it. It turned out pretty nice. Now I can flip the chassis over and roll it wherever I want it.

Looks pretty good now that it is all clean.

This rotisserie stand allows me to roll the chassis over to paint hard to reach spots. It rotates 360 degrees and rolls around the garage.
I also built a floor where my feet will be accessing the brake and throttle pedals. The chassis had exposed tubing that made it very uncomfortable to keep your feet on the pedals while in a comfortable position. I built this from titanium sheet so it is light and strong. It turned out nice!!

Lastly, I ordered a portable inflatable paint booth so I can paint the chassis without getting dust all in the paint. It will also keep paint off of all of my stuff in the garage. The paint booth works like a kids bouncy house. Air holds the structure up and keeps the paint dust circulated out of the booth. It was supposed to be in tomorrow but it has been delayed because of Christmas package volume.

I am ready to get this thing painted and start final assembly!!!!

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1 comment:

  1. It looks so nice, Dad. Lot of hard work in these pictures. Love you!
