We just had another minor setback and its name was....... Yes, you guessed it "Harvey".
Hurricane Harvey that is.
We were hit hard in the Houston area by hurricane Harvey and our house/garage are under 2 feet of water for the second time in 14 months. We live in a 500 year flood plane and we have had two 500 year record floods at our house in a little over a year.
We are very lucky that no one was hurt! As we speak, we are upstairs waiting for the water to recede so we can see what the damage was.
The garage has a bunch of water in it but I cannot tell if it is high enough to affect the race cars. I had them up on their jacks so hopefully they are fine. The water is running so fast by our house that I cannot get to the garage.
Our daily driving vehicles were not so lucky. Traci's Jeep and my F450 are both under water as we speak.
I think Shaky Truck may be the only vehicle that survived!!!
Anyway, it is just stuff and it can be replaced. Traci and I are going to really rethink everything before rebuilding this house again.
Drag racing is on hold for an undetermined amount of time. It was fun while it lasted! All 2 weekends!!!
This picture is from our top floor looking towards the garage.
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